Digital Poland Project Centre recently announced the results of a FERC competition aimed at increasing access to ultra-fast broadband Internet. The contest covered 72 competition areas and as many as 237 applications were submitted, which is a sign of the huge demand for developing Internet infrastructure in Poland. NCT composite solutions strongly facilitate this process.
The main goal of the Digital Poland Program is to provide access to high-speed Internet to the largest possible number of inhabitants, especially in areas where investments in broadband networks are commercially uneconomical. It is estimated that thanks to the Digital Poland Program, by the end of 2023, approximately 2 million households, mainly from rural, suburban and sparsely populated areas, will have access to broadband Internet.
However, the construction of a broadband network requires not only financial support, but also innovative technical solution, such as NCT composite telecommunications poles, used to suspend optical fibres. These innovative structures are resistant to weather conditions and strong winds and due to their low weight, they are perfect for installation in difficult areas.
“The composite poles we offer are an excellent alternative to traditional wooden and concrete poles” explains Jarosław Schabowski, representative of the management board and director for road safety and composites development at NCT S.A. “Due to the low weight of the composite, it is possible to move the poles manually in difficult terrain, which makes the installation of fibre optic networks much more effective and economical. Additionally, we are the only company in Europe that has a passive safety certificate for telecommunication poles. In practice it means that a collision with our structure has much milder effects on the vehicle and the people in it than in the case of traditional poles” adds Schabowski.
Financing for the construction of broadband networks is a huge opportunity to develop internet infrastructure in Poland, while composite telecommunications poles from NCT SA can significantly facilitate the implementation of these projects. Thanks to composites, the costs of installing fibre optic lines can be effectively minimised, which contributes to faster and more accessible broadband Internet for residents of various regions of Poland.

NCT composite telecommunications poles support the digitisation process in Poland